It Could Happen to Anyone

On November 2014, the phone started to ring. It was at the average family’s house. The father in the family that lived there, picked up the phone. He was told that the oldest daughter in their family was in the ICU, at Riley Children’s Hospital. He hung up the phone and called his youngest daughter to the room.

He told her that her sister was put into the ICU after her surgery. Her heart had stopped for 45 seconds and she was not breathing, but the doctors were able to revive her with CPR and medication.

When the youngest daughter was out of the room, she told us, “That was the first time I ever saw my dad cry.” After that she burst into tears and ran away.

The young girl met up with our news team afterwards, and she said, “It was for real this time. My sister almost died. It’s not a joke anymore. I can’t take her always being there for me, for granted any longer. I could lose her when she goes to surgery the 52nd time.”

The father was able was able to quote, “My daughter almost died today, the doctors have no clue why it happened, but it did happen. I can’t imagine how different life would be with out her. This could happen to anyone, anytime.”

The family met up with each other at the hospital the next day. They just kept talking and cherishing each other, glad they were all together.


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