Is It Edible?

One starving student had gotten their lunch in the smelly, old cafeteria. Their stomach was groaning in pain from the lack of food. Yet, when they were finished with their lunch, they were throwing out most of their food. They had eaten the greasy pizza, but had left the lump of potatoes, an unopened milk, […]

Did Things Change?

How did the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act change things from what they once were? Did it actually make kids eat more? Did students get more nutrition in their bodies? Or did the plan crash and fail, causing worse effects? Does forcing students to choose a fruit or vegetable mean they will eat it? One student […]

Is It Edible? (Rough Draft)

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act is being redone by the Trump Administration. This makes you wonder, if the children that have to eat the food are liking it. Do they like the new food given to them through the Trump Administration? Do they like the food from Michelle Obama’s plan better? Or do they wish […]

Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

What is the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act? The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act is an act passed by President Obama, in December 2010. This legislation allowed USDA to reform school lunches and breakfasts. It allowed them to make school food healthier and more nutritional. It included the National School Lunch and Breakfast programs, Special Supplemental Nutrition […]