Is It Edible? (Rough Draft)

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act is being redone by the Trump Administration. This makes you wonder, if the children that have to eat the food are liking it. Do they like the new food given to them through the Trump Administration? Do they like the food from Michelle Obama’s plan better? Or do they wish they had the food from before the legislation took place?


At Blackhawk Middle School, in Fort Wayne Indiana, students were being asked these questions and more to see the opinion of the ones who are forced to eat the sometimes disturbing lunches. There were many opinions.

An eighth grader, Kendall, quoted, “All the bread is stale.”

Another eighth grader said, “The new lunches we are having are really good. We have better options as to what we can eat.”

Other eighth grade students, said, “I never eat the nachos anymore because I saw the cheese comes out of a bag.

“The fruit and vegetables are reused, that’s disgusting. Also, the supposed healthy foods, sometimes come out of a can. To my knowledge, canned food isn’t exactly healthy because of the preservatives.”

“I wish i could go back to elementary school, before we had the insane healthy food acts, the food was better then.”

“The new food options are nasty, like who eats that!”

There are mixed reviews, as to the students opinions. Which is reasonable because they are the ones who eat it and they truly know what school lunch taste like.


You can only imagine what the parents think. They have to send their children to school every day hoping they won’t be hungry once they come home. The parents of the students at Blackhawk Middle School were very opinionated.

“No wonder my child comes home hungry every day.”

“Have you seen what they are forced to eat?”

“I would never eat that slop.”

“When I was in school, I actually had food that was edible.”

“My child always get food from the A La Carte. They don’t eat what the school gives them.”

“My child always packs their lunch, he is horrified by what they serve for lunch.”

“Every day, my daughter comes home, either complaining or loving what the lunch was. So far she likes the new additions to the school menu.”

As you can tell, most parents disagree with what food their child is eating. Though some like it, as long as their child eats, their fine.

From coast to coast, these are the reviews of school lunch. Children going hungry because they are being served a plate full of nasty lies. Most people don’t even think the food is healthy. This isn’t surprising as to what students are served

Image result for nasty school lunch

This is the true food students in America are being served. But the question is, would you eat this?

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